Sunday, August 29, 2010

Delaying Yard Work

Quick slide show of the South Bend Reggae Fest and the August Critical Mass in Chicago.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fox Is Either Stupid Or Evil

Fox's twenty-four hour pretend news programing station funds terrorism. How outlandish! It's absurd! It's...quite funny and true.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Parent Company Trap
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Friday, August 6, 2010

Long Time

Where has the time gone? The summer slips by fast.

Thursday has become the unofficial Biking for Beers night. I set out for a 7 mile ride into Goshen via the Pumpkin Vine Trail and end up at Constant Spring. As luck would have it, I've found a hipster who enjoys doing the same. Just don't tell her I called her a hipster. Below shows us stopped along the trail, around midnight, with the glow of happiness that comes from night biking. (Truth be told- there's a bit of beer and sweat coming through. We did just leave a bar with microbrews and it is a typical humid summer in Indiana)

There have only been two incidents with the Biking for Beers night. One involved a 30 minute ride lasting 2 hours. The other involved me picking asphalt out of a toe abrasion. The latter incident confirms what we already suspected: I'd be a great surgeon.

More bike related plaque- A friend invited me up to Michigan for some mountain biking at a place called Fort Custer . I have read about this place but this was my first go at it. Being of moderate ability proved no match for the trail system. I was beat up one side and down the other. But it was also the best dayum trail system I have ever been on.

Now I'd like to present you with the funniest Craigslist ad ever: 2001 Ford Taurus Check it soon, it will not be listed for long.

Hot enough for ya? Some Chillwave in the form of Onra "The One"

I'm out.